크리스챤을 위한 엔터테인먼트를 만드는 회사 화이트나이트 게임스

오늘 Wired.com을 통해서 정말이지 신선한 회사 하나를 알게 되었다. 그 이름은 화이트 나이트 게임스. 긴 설명이 필요없을 것 같아서 그 회사 홈페이지(http://www.whiteknightgames.com)의 About Us를 그대로 옮겨온다.

White Knight Games was formed in 2004 to provide quality Christian entertainment. As a joint venture between the White Knight Games team and the Anino Entertainment development studio, our goal is to produce high quality games that keep “Christ First in Christian Games”.

We recognize the role we play in producing media that has the potential to touch the lives of many, especially children. We feel it is important to always be mindful of these innocent youth and do our best to provide entertainment that, as much as possible, enriches mentally and spiritually.

As a company, we aim to always be just and charitable in our business dealings, to respect all employees and offer a flexible and supportive environment.

10% of each game’s profits will be donated to directly reduce poverty in the Philippines. This is a non-negotiable company rule in keeping with a sincere desire to give back to those in need, and to share the success of the venture with our impoverished or sick brothers and sisters.

“Christ First in Christian Games” As Christ should be first in our own lives as Christians, so Christ should be first in our roles as computer game producers.

As our own lives should bear witness to the Good News, our work at White Knight Games should be like a light for Jesus Christ, embracing this wonderful form of media & entertainment to spread His message and encourage all who play to grow in faith, hope & love.

We will aim to ensure that our games reinforce key concepts common to all Christians worldwide:

– Faithfulness to the Gospel message
– The importance of faith, hope & love
– Non-violent solutions to conflict

With this overriding priority to maintain integrity in the gameplay elements of our computer games, we will strive for high production values so our products represent a viable, fun and cool alternative to secular games; Particularly the ones that are not mindful of the delicate minds of children and the impact that gratuitous violence and degredation of women (or men) has on the formation of the young.


The White Knight Games creative and executive team drive the creative vision and artistic direction of each game, manage WKG’s corporate strategy and direction, and ensure that the joint venture with Anino Entertainment is as seamless and effective as possible.


Anino Entertainment is the award winning development house that brings the creative vision of the White Knight Games team to life.

Created by Niel Dagondon in 2002, the Anino Entertainment team and the Anino Mobile sister company has produced numerous projects, culminating in their award winning PC game Anito – Defend A Land Enraged, a finalist in the 2004 Independent Games Festival, and overall winner of the Innovation in Audio category.

Anino Entertainment’s design vision contributions, project management expertise, artistic talent and technical ingenuity are the driving force behind the high quality of Timothy & Titus and future White Knight Games projects.

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